People WILL relate!

Today I want to talk about the fact that more people likely relate to you than you realize.

This is something I have always struggled with – thinking that I was on my own boat out at sea in most situations.

What Limits You?

I thought I was the only one who didn’t want to go to college. I was wrong.

I thought I was the only one who disliked working a 9-5. I was wrong.

I thought I was alone in my worries and doubts about creating. I was wrong.

Time and time again I am pleasantly surprised at the fact that someone out there is able to relate. Often times, many people.

The thing that allowed me to make this change, was when I finally decided to put myself out there.

What It Takes

Until I started being honest with the people around me and the people who follow me on social media – I would have never made this connection. There are people out there who feel the same way. I’m grateful for that!

Choosing to create, rather than consume really is the best transition anyone can make.

Instead of feeling pushed and pulled by every single thing you see in a day, you finally have some leverage to express your own interests and build a community around the things you are passionate about.

Living in a world of self-doubt is no fun, and feeling like no one in the ENTIRE world can relate to your situation is a lonely feeling. I’ve been there. I’m sure you have too.

As cliché as it sounds, admitting these doubts or worries and sharing them with others may make all the difference for your circumstances.

When I overcame the fear of judgment, inclusion followed.

Honesty = Connection

I think the same goes for many people’s stories. Sometimes all it takes is to begin sharing your OWN interest, passion, struggle, fear, excitement, or upbringing that creates a community of people who connect with your unique story.

There is no one exactly like you – but there are thousands and thousands of others who can relate to you.

The fear that no one will listen, no one understands, and no one cares just simply is not true.

It might take some time for you to find your tribe, but they’re out there somewhere. It’s just a matter of being honest and sharing your work.

Without sharing ideas, you will never know which ones people actually resonate with. Expand on the ones that people respond to, and don’t spend as much time on the others.

Your tribe is out there. It just takes work to find them.

–Eric P

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