Eric Pfohl Do It Every Day Stoke Seminar

Do it every day.

What’s so powerful about doing “your thing” every single day? The truth is that there is no special sauce that will guarantee success. Not in any facet of life. This fact is a humbling one. Time and time again we hear about things that made a certain person succeed, but each answer is unique. If…

Eric Pfohl You Should Try It Out Stoke Seminar

You should try it out.

Trying different things is necessary to find something you truly love. How will you find your passion or talents without first trying them out? You can’t let your lack of ability or experience limit your willingness to try something new. Even the best of the best were once beginners at the things they’re now known for. Nobody…

Eric Pfohl How to Embrace Change Stoke Seminar

How to Embrace Change

Throughout the past year, change has been one of the main themes of everything I do. After working five years at an agency where I felt like my life stayed stagnant the entire time, change has now been welcomed and enjoyed. Life will always be full of changes. Change is inevitable. Change can be embraced…

Eric Pfohl Overcoming Perfectionism

1 EASY step for overcoming perfectionism

It goes without saying that we almost always seek quality over quantity. Everyone seeks quality. Whether it be in food, products, relationships, friendships, clients, or jobs. We live in a world where “as close to perfect” is the norm. Settling for anything less than ideal is virtually unacceptable for most people. Products, restaurants, Airbnbs, service…

Eric Pfohl Year in Review 2022

Year in Review: 2022

I feel like I say this every year – but I truly believe 2022 has been the best yet. And I’m extremely grateful for that. 2022 has been filled with a ton of change, challenge, growth, and optimism. I will start by mentioning that this year started off on the right foot with the purchase…