Creating like a kid
Wouldn’t it be nice to have the creativity of a kid again?
Imagination running rampant.
Never-ending energy.
“Play” as your top priority.
Mind like a sponge soaking up every bit of information.
Until this week, I had forgotten what that felt like. It seemed like it had been years since I created for the sake of fun.
And now my mind’s been changed. I’ve unlocked a perspective that feels like a cheat code.
Creating like a kid.
No Strings Attached
When I was in high school, I’d often wake up before sunrise.
I’d grab my camera, my longboard, and hop into my 1995 Toyota Corolla.
During this time, waking up was easy. I never even second guessed it. My stoke level was more powerful than my desire to sleep in.
I’d head to a local hill, set up a tripod, and film myself skating.
There were no strings attached. Just a desire to explore, exercise, and create. No deadlines to hit, no clients to satisfy, nor people to please.
And over the years, I’d forgotten how beautiful that felt.
The Journey, Not the Destination
This week, the sun came out.
And that might sound like an irrelevant detail… but winters in the northwest aren’t known for dishing out the vitamin D.
No matter how your day is going – when the sun comes out – it’s a good day. And it’s important to get out and enjoy it.
So, after work, I did a quick pit stop at my apartment. I grabbed my camera, car keys, and did what my 16-year-old self did so confidently:
I headed out with my camera in hand, and no plan in mind.

The golden sunlight faded into a warm magenta glow as I explored.
I eagerly drove around each corner, looking for beaming sunlight and any road pull-off I could use to get out and shoot.
As I drove, I was reminded of a quote we’ve all heard before:
“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Had I ended up with no good videos to show for it, this day would have been a success. I wasn’t out to get anything – I was just… out.
And it wasn’t about the camera, or the videos, or the cool story I could share afterwards.
It was just about the journey.
The beauty of a setting sun on a cold winter’s day.
For once, I was focused on the creating – not the creation.
And I felt like a kid again.

What did you do between the ages of 0-20 that felt fun & effortless? When was the last time you did that thing?
Add this thing to your calendar for this week. Block out 30-60 minutes to explore something you enjoyed as a kid.
Hope you enjoyed this one. It feels fun to switch it up a bit lately – let me know if you wanna see more of this style of newsletter!
Happy Sunday. And stay stoked!
–Eric Pfohl