Minimize stress with this exercise!
When I first started this newsletter, I was on top of getting my emails scheduled the week before. Come Saturday morning, it would send out automatically and I wouldn’t have to worry about it.
Lately… this hasn’t been the case 😅
I’ve been working on several different things over the past few months, and it’s difficult to juggle all of them at once.
Which leads me into the topic for today:
Keep the main thing the main thing.
Distraction & Focus
I have been in a constant state of distraction lately which I feel has taken away from my relationships and personality. It’s hard to be yourself when your mind is clouded by so many things.
Balance is something I’ve been lacking.
Things that shouldn’t mean that much to me seem to bring me the most stress, even when they’re fairly unimportant or unworthy of my time.
Because of this, I’ve been working on “minimizing” distractions in my life.
Exercise for Minimizing Stress
How I am doing this:
- Write down all of the things that may be bringing stress into your life. All of it. Take a few minutes to think through all the things that come to mind.
- Once they’re listed, take a look at all of them in the “bigger picture” of life. Which of these things are the most important to you? Star the top 3 that are worth your time.
- For the rest of the things listed, think about how you can “minimize” the stress of these things in your life. Are they even worth your time? How could you avoid these stressors moving forward?
As I laid in bed with my mind racing a few days ago, I couldn’t help but try to pinpoint what was causing my unwanted stress.
This exercise helped me decide what exactly was overwhelming me and why. Once I decided what these things were, I’ve been working to cut them out of my life and minimize the stress.
It’s been very helpful for me. Hopefully it can do the same for you.
We could all use a little less stress in our lives 🙂