Seeking quiet time in a noisy world.

I want to let you in a little secret that I’ve recently discovered.

Well, actually I just learned about it from someone smarter than myself.

But… today’s topic is the importance of seeking intentional quiet time.

Surrounded by Noise

In today’s world, it’s no secret that we are constantly surrounded by noise. Whether that be actual noise in our ears – kids screaming, TV on, the stop-and-go audio of scrolling through Instagram, or another ad popping up on YouTube. It’s everywhere.

But it doesn’t stop with the noise in our ears. Our minds are filled with noise.

  • Thoughts that we can’t get rid of.
  • Ideas that do (or don’t) come to mind.
  • Words we should or shouldn’t have said.
  • Things on our to-do list.
  • The list goes on and on.

I think we can all agree that today’s modern world is NOISY. And it can drive us to a state of constant pressure and stress.

Seeking Silence

I felt this all too often over the past few years. (Although, I don’t have kids – so maybe I’m living in luxury compared to some!)

Some seasons of life are simply a blur because I feel that I never gave myself the chance to slow down and stop. To seek even the slightest bit of solitude.

I feel that it is in the times of hectic busyness that we lose sight of ourselves and our goals. It can be so easy to get off the rails of our moral compasses. In the noisy busyness, we can drift away from our actions aligning with our mission.

Because of this, we must seek silence.

We must find escape from the noise of the world. From the noise of our minds. From the noise of others expectations of us.

How will we know what to do, or what we’re personally feeling called to, if we don’t take time to seek and listen to this calling?

Put It Into Practice

The past week or so, I have finally given myself a chance to relish in silence. Away from the noise of the world, away from the noise of the TV or my phone. Simply sitting in silence in the morning. Giving myself a chance to wake up slowly and set the tone for the day.

I personally like to pray and read the Bible. It gives me an opportunity to connect with God’s input in my life. To seek His will, and spend time in His presence.

I encourage you to do the same. A great way to start would be to simply wake up 30-60 minutes earlier than normal, make yourself comfortable in your favorite cozy spot, and embrace the silence. Allow yourself and your mind to decompress from the noice and pressure of the world. What an amazing way to start the day, yeah?

This has already been totally transformational for me, and I’m stoked to continue this.

  • What would even 15-30 minutes of silence and thought in the morning do for you?
  • Where could you find clarity in your life during this time?
  • What ideas have you not given your mind a chance to think through?
  • What ideas might come to mind during this time? (Trick questions… you won’t know until you try)

I encourage you to give this a shot and see what you think. I’m happy to chat through any ideas or thoughts you might have – feel free to just reply to this email!

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