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The gap between idea & execution (and how to close it)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been an “ideas guy.” In grade school, I’d doodle skateboard designs and come up with skateboard brand names I wanted to create some day. Later on in life, I leaned further into this creativity and always enjoyed the idea of what was possible. The places I’d travel,…

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Protect your morning peace (and feel hyper focused)

As soon as you wake up, there are dozens of distractions fighting for your attention. Time-sensitive emails. Unread texts. Missed calls. Long to-do lists. There’s an instant pressure to check your phone, tend to your morning hygiene, and get some food in your system. Oh, and you need your morning coffee before even thinking about…

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The 1-Hour Rule (of Creativity)

I have tens of thousands of unshared images collecting (digital) dust. I have terabytes of footage that have never seen the light of day (or the flicker of a screen). I’m notorious for capturing life – only to never share anything I create. There’s something about the personal expectation I have, and the finished product…

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Use two notebooks, simplify your life

For the past few months I’ve been using two simple notebooks to organize my life, thoughts, tasks, and creativity. Despite the dozens of productivity apps out there, I find this setup to be the most effective yet. If you’re feeling distracted when using your phone or computer – I can’t recommend this simple setup enough….