Be careful what you consume.

We are all vessels for something.

What that “something” is depends on the person and what that person consumes.

A vessel, by definition is:

  1. A hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid.
  2. A person, especially regarded as holding or embodying a particular quality.

If we think of ourselves as having the ability to hold onto something, it matters what we store inside our minds!

Consuming for Creating

I believe that what you create is directly related to what you consume – and this is why what we allow our eyes to see and ears to hear is so important.

In a world where we consume (willingly or not) a whole bunch of garbage, it’s easy to have our minds clouded.

A commercial on TV, a song on the radio or in a coffee shop, or the endless content waiting to be consumed while we scroll online… each of these things play a role in our thoughts.

Things don’t come FROM us, but rather they come THROUGH us.

What we allow in is so important, because it directly attributes to what comes out of us. (Physically, spiritually, and creatively haha)

For example…

Someone might REALLY love studying trees. An arborist, I think it would be called.

No matter where they are or what they’re doing, they’re either thinking about trees, researching more about them, or talking to someones about them.

Whether YOU personally are into trees or not, it’s more than likely that trees will get brought up in conversation with this person.

This arborist intakes so much information about trees that he can’t help but share more about their significance. He lives and breathes trees. He can’t help but be a vessel for trees.

The same can go for just about any topic you can think of.

  • For some – it’s pop culture. What’s trending? Who’s dating who? What’s the rage?
  • For others – it’s their work. When they’re at work, they’re consumed with work. Problems, solutions, coworkers, meetings, and stress. When they leave work… it’s much of the same.
  • For others – it might be sports. They know every stat of every player of their favorite team dating back to 1986 when they made it to the playoffs. When the game is on, they’re not to be bothered. When you hang around them, their favorite sports team undoubtedly gets brought into the light.

Monitoring Your Mind

What are you a vessel for? And why is it important?

This is especially relevant in a world today where we consume SO MUCH in a single hour, day, or week. The internet has literally provided us with unlimited information to feast on.

And it isn’t limited to the things that we’re interested in – it could go on forever about any topic under the sun.

On social media, each person has an opinion that they would like YOU to believe.

From our phones, social media, TV, and from the people around us. The resources for consumption are continuing to grow.

If we want to be careful about what we are a vessel for – it’s important to monitor and limit what we CONSUME, in order to specify what we CREATE.

We naturally become vessels of the things we intake.

Questions for You

  • How does this relate to your daily life?
  • What have you been consuming that may be hurting more than it is helping?
  • What would change if you filled your mind with positive things instead of negative?
  • If you could choose – what would you WANT to be a vessel for?

Happy December! Pretty wild we’re so close to the new year. Finish strong y’all!

– Eric

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